Enjoying a Meal Out with Hearing Loss: Essential Tips

Dining out can be a noisy experience. The sizzling food, calls of “Yes Chef!” and clanking glasses often make it difficult to hear people sitting right next to you. It’s hard to savor the delicious food at Table 31 when you can’t interact with your dining companions. For the 15% of U.S. adults with hearing…
What Is the Connection Between Arthritis and Hearing Loss
Arthritis, a condition marked by joint inflammation, can have effects beyond just joint pain and stiffness. Research indicates that certain forms of arthritis and the medications used to treat them can also potentially lead to hearing loss. How Arthritis Medications Affect Hearing A significant link between arthritis and hearing loss is found in the medications…
Signs Your Hearing Aids Need Reprogramming
Hearing aids are a remarkable technology that could benefit as many as 28 million adults in the United States. These small devices help people with hearing loss engage more fully in the world around them. However, it’s important to remember that hearing aids require regular maintenance and occasional adjustments to function well. One crucial aspect…
What To Know About Single-Sided Hearing Loss
Single-sided hearing loss, also known as unilateral hearing loss (UHL) or single-sided deafness if the loss is profound, refers to hearing loss in only one ear. Approximately 7% of adults in the United States have UHL. Knowing the signs of UHL and seeking early treatment can help you manage your hearing loss for a clearer…
Hearing Loss in Your City
Approximately 11.5% of individuals residing in Iredell County experience some degree of hearing loss, a statistic that is on par with North Carolina and the national average. However, this statistic is slightly worse than some neighboring states, and in most cases, once hearing is lost, it can’t be recovered. Types of Hearing Loss Therefore, recognizing…
How Can Hearing Aids Improve Your Mood?
Nearly 20% of the global population lives with some degree of hearing loss. If you have hearing loss, you may have experienced frustrations including but not limited to: These frustrations from untreated hearing loss can significantly affect your mood, leaving you feeling irritable, anxious or depressed. Sometimes, it can feel impossible to crawl out from…
Effectively Communicating With Those Who Don’t Know You Have Hearing Loss
If you have hearing loss and are interacting with someone for the first time who doesn’t, communication mishaps can occur. This isn’t always an issue, but in the case of an emergency in public or even at the doctor’s office, it can be important for others to be aware of your hearing loss. Emergency personnel…
What to Know About Fluctuating Hearing Loss
Fluctuating hearing loss is a form of hearing loss that seems to frequently change. It can be associated with conductive hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss and could become worse over time. Fluctuating hearing loss can affect a child’s speech and language development (less so than sensorineural hearing loss), so it’s important to understand how…
How Can Hearing Aids Help Your Next Game Night?
Game nights are full of fun, laughter and, more than likely, a little arguing over whose turn it was. Hearing loss doesn’t have to stop you from participating fully in all the shenanigans that game nights offer. Hearing aids are small but remarkable devices that improve communication and spatial awareness, manage tinnitus symptoms, decrease your…
Can Hearing Aids Help With Pulsatile Tinnitus?
Pulsatile tinnitus is a rhythmic thumping, throbbing or whooshing noise in one or both ears, often in rhythm with one’s heart. If tinnitus is in sync with your heart, it will increase as the heartbeat gets faster and decrease as it gets slower. Pulsatile tinnitus is relatively rare with it presenting in less than 10%…