Five Tips to Help You Adjust to Your Hearing Aids

When you first get hearing aids, it can be an adjustment. By knowing what to expect during the early stages, you can learn to stay calm, avoid frustration and get the most from your device. Make Sure Your Hearing Aid Fits Right A big reason that some people don’t wear their hearing aids is because…
The Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Mental Fatigue

Most of us have experienced mental fatigue after a long day of listening to presentations or attending Zoom meetings. However, if you have hearing loss, you are likely to experience this fatigue sooner and more frequently. Struggling to Hear Wears Out Your Brain Hearing loss often happens because of damage to the hair cells of…
Safety Tips for People With Hearing Loss

Data tells us that nearly 15% of American adults report some trouble hearing. Hearing loss makes it harder to pick up important sounds around you. Not only can this be frustrating, but it can also be unsafe in certain situations. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to keep yourself safe. Treat Your Hearing…
What Are the Best Types of Earplugs for Preventing Swimmer’s Ear?

Going for a swim is a great way for you and your children to enjoy hot North Carolina summers. However, before you head out to War Memorial Public Pool, it’s important to know what swimmer’s earplugs to use to help prevent swimmer’s ear. The Basics of Swimmer’s Ear Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the…
How Untreated Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Daily Life

Though hearing loss ranges in severity from mild to profound, it can affect your daily life no matter what degree you experience it. In fact, according to one review, “Several studies have shown that uncorrected hearing loss gives rise to poorer quality of life, related to isolation, reduced social activity, and a feeling of being…
Don’t Overlook These Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can happen to anyone, though it becomes more common with age. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s important to seek help and find the appropriate treatment sooner rather than later. However, that can sometimes be tricky, as age-related hearing loss occurs gradually, so it can be difficult to notice at first. Let’s go…
Is Hearing Loss Reversible?

Hearing loss affects millions of people every year. In the majority of cases, hearing loss is permanent. However, some types of hearing loss can be reversed. What Causes Temporary Hearing Loss? Most causes of temporary hearing loss are due to something blocking the ear, like fluid from an ear infection or a foreign object stuck…
What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

What is Single Sided Deafness? Sometimes referred to as unilateral hearing loss, single sided deafness is a condition in which an individual experiences hearing loss in only one ear but can hear normally out of the other ear. While most patients with a hearing impairment suffer from bilateral (two-sided) hearing loss, SSD affects approximately 60,000…
What is Sudden Hearing Loss?

For most people who experience hearing loss, the condition comes on gradually over a period of years. In rare cases, an abrupt loss of hearing occurs with little or no warning. This condition is known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). What is Sudden Deafness? Sudden deafness is an unexplained and rapid hearing loss that…
What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss?

How Can Sounds Hurt Your Ears? Background sound is a constant in our busy lives. Normally, background noises are at safe levels that do not negatively impact our hearing. But repeated exposure to noise above 85 decibels (dB) can cause noise induced hearing loss. The louder the sound, the less amount of time it takes…